Illustrating Mathematics: Reunion/Expansion
Illustration reveals the hidden structures of mathematics, broadening access to its inherent beauty and pushing the boundaries of research. Here two disciplines are interwoven: on the one hand, the art and craft of presenting ideas and on the other hand, the creativity and scholarship of creating mathematics. This program facilitates research and collaboration on these topics, both between and within these groups, and to promote professional support and recognition both for illustration and for building the infrastructure needed for its creation.
We invite both returning and new members to the Illustrating Mathematics community to this workshop, which will bring together mathematicians, and practitioners from the arts. We seek to expand our community to include a more diverse group of faculty, including those from non-R1 institutions and who identify as members of underrepresented and minoritized groups.
Image: Close-up of a CNC routed Cannon-Thurston map for the SnapPy s227 manifold; credit: Saul Schleimer, Henry Segerman, Will Segerman.
Organizing Committee
- David Bachman
Pitzer College - Audrey Nasar
Fashion institute of technology - Nancy Scherich
Elon University - Saul Schleimer
University of Warwick - Martin Skrodzki
TU Delft - Laura Taalman
James Madison University